Intuitive Energy Healer course

Add Body-Mind-Spirit Healing to Your Wellness Practice!

Are you a medical professional? holistic healer, yoga or tai chi teacher?

Are you a psychic or intuitive healer or pet whisperer?

Do you find that you wish you could affect healing more quickly, or address more chronic conditions?

This unique training course is for you.

I spent the pasat 40+ years teaching & practicing meditation, yoga, Ayurveda, Shamanism, Reiki/Energy Healing, & Psychic Mediumship, Angel & Ascended Master channeling.

The theme in all of those modalities was my calling for more instant healing.

(We have instant oatmeal and Instagram – why not instant healing) 😉 

Now, in just the past few months I was shown how to blend three key modalities to help people more quickly and deeply.

Shamanic journeying, Energy Healing, and Channeling Archangels, Ascended Masters, has many of my clients reporting amazing new results.

Why these 3 modalities?

I am a born psychic-medium channel, healer & shaman. When I was visiting Shamans in the Amazon rainforest they confirmed I was a born shaman & healer.

In my childhood I had various psychic & channeling events. The point is this comes to me naturally, meaning it is a direct link from God or spirit or angels (whatever you call it), making it more powerful because it comes from source and not from being taught in a classroom.

What Instant Healing Looks Like

Imagine being able to send energy to a person you never met who is in the hospital in a coma, and have the nurses call 5 minutes after you sending healing to her, saying she came out of the coma.

How rewarding would it be for you to see a lump in a breast, or broken rib bones from falling off a horse; sending healing; and when they go for a followup exam, the doctors find no trace of the lump or any broken bones?

In our meeting Mary shared how her 9-year MS pain went away about 30 minutes into our reiki/shaman session and has been pain free for a few months now.

Yes these are real miracles that happened with my clients. And like giving an evidential mediumship reading, I must credit God, spirit, guides etc. for doing the work. It is truly the most rewarding work I do these days. Of course not everyone experiences the same miracles – it depends on their belief system, their faith in God, spirit etc. and the connection between the healer-medium and the client.

The Request for This Program

A number of people have  expressed interest in taking this course.  The training is now ready. And I made it a certificate of completion course so you can have a financial energy exchange with your clients for using this work with them.

The third natural gift I was born is shamanism. Adding a Shamanic event to the healing session can dissolve the actual cause of the health issue, whether it was caused in this lifetime or prior one. The result is the client no longer remembers the causal event (consciously or subconsciously) so they don’t call it back into their lives.

What Classes Look Like

Each time we meet in zoom, we work with real world issues of real people you know. We start with you so you have the direct experience and bring yourself more into harmony. Then we can work with your family, friends, and clients.

Do you have a client who always comes with complaints?
I teach how to heal them before they come in and see them saying they’re fine.

Are you bogged down with paperwork, house work, or other blocks?

We go through exercises to resume the flow of energy.


How can mediumship channeling be such a powerful partner in this triad of healing methods?
Because we invite the ascended masters, archangels, and guides to come in and do what they do best.

This is a program of direct experience –
just like learning mediumship.

Another perk of this training is I encourage and guide students to discover their own unique way of healing & guiding others. What makes us most successful is when we stop comparing ourselves to the famous psychics and simply allow spirit/God to channel through us/to us – whatever they want and we gratefully accept those divine, magical gifts.

Do you know a couple having marital challenges?
Or a mother/child battle that could be eased?
Do you want to with a doctor or nurse and help them prevent and heal issues that help them lighten their load so they can focus on the most urgent emergency cases?

Triumvirate Metaphysical Healing Tools

Whatever your calling, psychic medium, yoga teacher, nurse, doctor, mental health expert — and whatever your dream/vision is — these three tools used together — Instant Energy Healing, Shamanic work, and Psychic Channeling — seems to fill every nook & cranny for healing success (if sincerity and connection basics are there).


“As a person who used to feel they fell through the cracks in life, these healing methods found their way into my own life cracks. I see them touch people’s hearts and souls.

It’s such a rewarding practice.

This 5-Class Online Course Offers You

– Direct experience of healing self/others/pets

– Discovering your unique healing approach

– Uncovering yours/others life calling

– Developing your intuition & strengthening the Clairs

– Working with actual clients (students or your family/friends)

– Introducing/developing your channeling ascended masters, archangels, guides

– Practicing Shamanic dissolving root-cause mind-body-spirit health events.


– Additional optional practice hour each class (for those who can stay)

– Developing your pet whispering gifts

– Communicating/channeling ETs   

– Healing Breath (prana)

– Helping develop a business (if needed/wanted)

– An additional 6th week Q&A session to tie it all together for you.

– Course audios sent to you – you own for life

– Channelled new information for us all for this new Age of Joy

– Certificate of Completion upon graduation (seeing success with those you work with for homework assignments).

– Opportunity for advanced training towards full certification. 

– Quick-Start guide pdfs for class — helps you go from zero to Intuitive healer instantly

Audio Course

This course was recorded with a group of students. The course is not in the popular video format because we address very real and personal issues the students raised. To protect their identity, only the audio content — the essential learning — has been made available with their permission.

All audio classes are sent to you to download.
You own the course for life.

About the Teacher

Swami S. Tirtha is a born intuitive medium-channel, healer, & shaman. He has been practicing for 45+ years. Swami wrote a #1 bestseller, the Ayurveda Encyclopedia and presented to the White House commission on alternative medicine policy.

Tuition: $249


This courses is 100% guaranteed. If you are not satisfied with this course for any reason, you are unhappy with the course for any reason, you may request a refund before the second class meets.​

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Tuition $249

To your health!

Looking forward to meeting you in class!